1 minute piece "Happiness is...(私の幸せ)"

ゲストの方から「Happiness is... (私の幸せ)」を言葉や詩で表現していただき、写真家・森日出夫の映像と、作曲家・鬼武みゆきの音楽でコラボレーションする1分間のショートムービーシリーズ。 日本の皆さんにもっともっと幸せに、元気になって欲しい、という気持ちで2012年1月からスタートしました。

VOL.19 ゲスト:舞踏家 大野 慶人

『1 minute piece "Happiness is...(私の幸せ)" 』VOL.19

ゲスト:舞踏家 大野 慶人


写真:森 日出夫
音楽:鬼武 みゆき

音楽録音:菊地 健太郎 (Recorded at CRESCENTE STUDIO)
ビデオ編集:中村 高寛 (人人FILMS)

Special Thanks to : Hiroshi Tamura (CRESCENTE STUDIO)、Mitsuaki Uchida


This is the one minute short movie series that is inspired by people's own words about their "Happiness is ...".
Collaborated on video and music by Hideo Mori, the photographer and Miyuki Onitake, the composer.
This series started in January 2012 to cheer all Japanese people up to be happy and lively. Up dated on 20th every month.
Also we address our thanks to people of the world that have supported us, Japanese at the disaster of Tohoku.

1 minute piece " Happiness is... " VOL.19

Guest : Yoshito Ohno, Butoh Dancer

To appreciate my abounded life with the blessings from the dead including my parents and friends.
My prayers have become very essential through my dance and my daily life.

Photo : Hideo Mori
Music : Miyuki Onitake

Recording : Kentaroh Kikuchi (Recorded at CRESCENT STUDIO)
Editing : Takayuki Nakamura (HITO HITO FILMS)

Translated by Mamie D. Lee (対訳)

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